Safety of principal definition
Safety of principal definition

safety of principal definition

Meanwhile, the Tesla car accident, in which the vehicle mistook a white truck for a clear sky, offers an example of an AI misunderstanding its surrounding and taking deadly action as a result.

safety of principal definition

Microsoft’s chatbot, Tay, is a recent example of how an AI can learn negative behavior from its environment, producing results quite the opposite from what its creators had in mind. And we don’t need to achieve superintelligence for this to become a problem. But it’s not hard to imagine how this technology could go awry. Because AI can address so many problems more effectively than people, it has huge potential to improve health and wellbeing for everyone.

Safety of principal definition how to#

This principle gets to the heart of the AI safety research initiative: how can we ensure safety for a technology that is designed to learn how to modify its own behavior?Īrtificial intelligence is designed so that it can learn from interactions with its surroundings and alter its behavior accordingly, which could provide incredible benefits to humanity. She pointed out that at a certain level of intelligence, the AI will be able to rewrite its own code, and with superintelligent systems “we may not even be able to understand the program to begin with.” “This is important, obviously,” said University of Connecticut philosopher Susan Schneider, but she expressed uncertainty about our ability to verify that we can trust a system as it gets increasingly intelligent. But, as Greene and other researchers highlight below, this principle is much more complex than it appears at first glance. It’s obviously not in anyone’s best interest for an AI product to injure its owner or anyone else. So, on the face of it, the Safety Principle seems like a “no brainer,” as Harvard psychologist Joshua Greene described it. Whatever the latest generation of any technology happens to be - from appliances to airplanes - manufacturers know that customers expect their products to be safe from start to finish.Īrtificial intelligence is no different. In fact, safety has become a top selling point among car buyers.Īnd it’s not just cars.

safety of principal definition

When a new car is introduced to the world, it must pass various safety tests to satisfy not just government regulations, but also public expectations. Safety Principle: AI systems should be safe and secure throughout their operational lifetime and verifiably so where applicable and feasible.

Safety of principal definition